
What we do today determines what the world will look like tomorrow.

Sustainability and energy efficiency are lived at PMP, in addition to the eSaver® with an average electricity saving of 12% since August 2021, three state-of-the-art charging stations for electric vehicles with a total of six charging points for customers, guests and employees were put into operation in November 2022, of course all company cars are electrified.

Furthermore, PMP has already switched to 100% green electricity since 2022, which is another step towards greater sustainability and climate neutrality within the company.

Creditreform awards Precise Metal Production the EcoZert sustainability award

As part of the audit, the company was able to demonstrate particularly sustainable action and fulfilled the following award criteria:

  • Use of resources more efficient than the benchmark or significant reduction in the use of resources compared to the past
  • Social action better than the benchmark or significant improvement compared to the past
  • Good business conduct of the company management in the past
  • Creditworthiness index better than 299 and balance sheet rating better than CR11

Precise Metal Production awarded EcoVadis bronze medal

In June 2024, EcoVadis once again assessed our sustainability practices.
The world’s largest provider of sustainability ratings for companies awarded us a Committed badge for our commitment to the environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. This EcoVadis label is both proof and recognition of our significant progress in ESG management.

With this award from EcoVadis, PMP once again meets the requirements for sustainable production.

PMP has a good sustainability performance

Companies with good compliance with ESG requirements in accordance with national and international best practices. The ESG Performance Index complies with the international standards of the Global Reporting Initiative and takes into account the most important and significant aspects of the respective environmental, social and governance assessment.

By choosing CO2-free green electricity, PMP is making an active contribution to climate protection

Vita Öko Strom is produced CO2-free from renewable energy, photovoltaic systems, wind turbines and hydropower.


PMP Managing Director Christian Wordl on sustainability and eSaver®

You can find more videos from us on our YouTube channel with the following link button:

Great things in business are never accomplished by a single person.

They are accomplished by a team of people.

Our joint resolutions

Code of conduct for PMP employees

This Code of Conduct formulates the values and principles of Precise Metal Production GmbH & Co. KG, hereinafter referred to as “PMP”. From this, standards for ethical and responsible behavior can be derived, which apply to all employees and managers, the management and business partners of PMP.

Each individual is obliged to live up to the high expectations set by the Code of Conduct.

Code of conduct for our suppliers

This Code of Conduct sets out the minimum requirements for responsible corporate behavior towards people, society and the environment and forms the basis for cooperation with our suppliers.

In everyday working life, respect for colleagues, superiors and fellow human beings is the top priority in every situation. Each individual must therefore observe the following principles at all times:

Respectful treatment of one another must be observed at all levels and hierarchies.

PMP does not tolerate discrimination, in particular in compliance with legal requirements, on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity.

PMP also expects every employee to be treated fairly and not to be harassed, insulted or threatened.

Internal company information that constitutes business secrets or sensitive data must be treated as strictly confidential. They may only be disclosed to third parties if the persons demonstrably need them and are authorized to receive them. The contractual confidentiality obligations must be complied with during and after termination of the employment relationship. Personal data will only be collected, processed and used for the specified legitimate purpose and only in accordance with the applicable laws.

PMP expects all employees to behave responsibly, ethically and with integrity. PMP traditionally maintains good relationships with its business partners, which are based on a high level of quality of the products and services supplied, availability and competitive prices. This also includes maintaining contacts between PMP employees and customers and suppliers. PMP remains committed to working openly, with integrity and responsibility with public officials.

PMP does not tolerate any kind of extortion, bribery or corruption. This includes inadmissible offers or acceptances of payments or gifts to or from employees and business partners that could give the impression that preferential treatment is intended. Exceptions to this are promotional gifts of a low value (approx. €20) that do not constitute influencing or invitations that are predominantly work-related in nature. PMP does not make or give payments or gifts of value to induce government or corporate employees to provide PMP with an improper business advantage.

Every PMP employee is required to avoid situations in which personal interests, even if they only appear to be in conflict with the interests of PMP. A conflict of interest then exists if the personal interests conflict with the interests of PMP and conflicts of loyalty could arise as a result.

The quality of PMP’s products is the basis of PMP’s customers’ trust. Every employee is responsible for ensuring quality work. Attention must be paid to the quality of the parts provided and also of the parts passed on and, if necessary, complaints must be made internally. To ensure high-quality work, it is important to use the right tools and operate the machines correctly. Everyone’s aim must be to deliver 100% quality at all times.

PMP undertakes to observe the legal regulations for the protection of human rights and to comply with the respective national labor laws and other agreements for the protection of employees. PMP does not tolerate child or forced labor.

PMP expects that its business partners also comply with these applicable laws, fulfill their contractual obligations and commit their business partners accordingly.

As part of PMP’s commitment to sustainable development, PMP proactively seeks to use new and sustainable technologies and processes and strives to minimize its impact on the environment. PMP will take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure a safe working environment. Within the scope of their activities, all employees are fully personally responsible for ensuring safety, health and environmental protection at their workplace to the best of their knowledge, skills and experience. Everyone is encouraged to identify areas where improvements can be made and to continuously strive for a better working environment. Special attention must be paid to safety in general, the prevention of accidents at work and the continuous improvement of health protection for employees in particular. PMP employees undertake to wear the appropriate safety equipment and to comply with the safety precautions and to protect their own health and the health of other PMP employees to the maximum extent possible.

Integrity is the actual and perceived ethical business behavior that is in line with PMP’s Code of Conduct. Integrity also includes compliance with all applicable laws and standards. Everyone involved with PMP and all business partners are expected to comply with the legal norms and regulations of this Code of Conduct in order to contribute to the integrity of PMP. PMP believes it is important that criticism is first voiced internally to managers and/or management and not immediately posted on social media or in the media. Anything that goes beyond factual criticism in the company’s public domain, is false or constitutes gross, defamatory insults will not be tolerated and will be punished.

Any violation of the Code of Conduct and the regulations contained therein is a serious matter and may result in fines or penalties for PMP or individual employees, which may even result in criminal prosecution. Violations will not be tolerated. Depending on the circumstances of a violation, PMP may decide on consequences under labor law, including disciplinary measures up to and including termination of employment.

Violations committed by business partners are punishable under civil and criminal law. Employees are asked to address misconduct by colleagues and to encourage the person concerned to behave correctly.

Precise Metal Production GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter also referred to as “PMP”) maintains a trusting relationship with its business partners. PMP is guided by aspects such as integrity, ethics, sustainability and legally compliant behavior. PMP also expects this behavior from its business partners, be they customers or suppliers (at all levels).

This Supplier Code of Conduct (hereinafter also referred to as the Supplier Code of Conduct) is based on the Code of Conduct of Precise Metal Production GmbH & Co. KG and sets out in concrete terms what PMP expects from its suppliers in this respect and what they undertake to do vis-à-vis PMP.

Precise Metal Production GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter also referred to as “PMP”) maintains a trusting relationship with its business partners. PMP is guided by aspects such as integrity, ethics, sustainability and legally compliant behavior. PMP also expects this behavior from its business partners, be they customers or suppliers (at all levels).

Prohibition of forced and child labor
Suppliers undertake not to practice any form of forced or child labor. PMP follows the definition of child labor based on the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO). If a local law prescribes a higher legal minimum age for workers or a longer compulsory schooling period, the higher age applies.

Prohibition of discrimination and unequal treatment
Suppliers undertake not to discriminate on the basis of age, gender, skin color, ethnic or social origin, sexual identity, disability, religion or political opinion.

Exercise of employee rights
Suppliers undertake to comply with the applicable laws and regulations for the protection of employees and to guarantee employees the active exercise of their rights.

This Supplier Code of Conduct (hereinafter also referred to as the Supplier Code of Conduct) is based on the Code of Conduct of Precise Metal Production GmbH & Co. KG and sets out in concrete terms what PMP expects from its suppliers in this respect and what they undertake to do vis-à-vis PMP.

Working hours and remuneration
The suppliers undertake to comply with the applicable laws and regulations on the restriction of working hours and the granting of rest periods, breaks and vacations. Furthermore, suppliers undertake to remunerate their employees in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and to guarantee them equal pay for work of equal value.

Conflict minerals
Suppliers undertake to comply with the applicable laws and regulations on conflict minerals. If products manufactured and/or delivered by the suppliers contain tin, tantalum, tungsten or their ores or gold, PMP must be notified immediately and without being asked.

Suppliers undertake to comply with the applicable occupational health and safety regulations and ensure a safe and healthy working environment in order to maintain the safety and health of employees, protect third parties and prevent accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses. Finally, suppliers undertake to provide their employees with appropriate training in all health and safety topics in a language they understand.

Suppliers undertake to act lawfully and with integrity in their business dealings. This includes the following areas in particular:

Fair and equitable competition
Suppliers undertake to behave fairly and equitably in competition and to comply with the applicable competition law regulations, in particular antitrust laws, and to ensure that neither their services nor their goods infringe the property rights of PMP and/or third parties. In particular, price agreements with competitors, market sharing with competitors and the abuse of a dominant market position through price discrimination and other behavior are not tolerated.

Non-granting and/or receipt of improper benefits
Suppliers shall ensure that no improper benefits of any kind whatsoever are granted directly or indirectly to politicians (including their family members and relatives), authorities or members of authorities, business partners or their employees (including PMP employees) or members of authorities. Suppliers undertake not to demand or accept any unlawful benefits from their employees. From PMP’s point of view, a benefit is impermissible if its nature and scope is likely to influence the recipient’s actions and decisions.

Prohibition of money laundering
As a supplier of PMP, you ensure that the applicable laws and regulations for the prevention of money laundering are complied with and that the use of cash in business transactions is avoided whenever possible.

Protection of business secrets
Suppliers undertake to ensure that business information, financial or competition-related information is always treated confidentially and in accordance with non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements. Suppliers are required to take appropriate precautions to protect such information.

Import & Export Control
Suppliers agree to comply with all applicable export controls, sanctions, customs laws and regulations, including applicable trade restrictions, embargoes and other restrictions on the import and export of goods, services and information. In particular, the suppliers undertake to ensure that they themselves, their beneficial owners, all their representatives and other subcontractors used by them are not listed on any of the applicable sanctions lists as a sanctioned company and/or person.

Suppliers undertake to comply with the applicable environmental laws, environmental regulations and environmental standards. Insofar as environmental laws, environmental regulations and environmental standards contain reporting or other obligations to cooperate on the part of suppliers, suppliers shall comply with these reporting or other obligations to cooperate on their own initiative, in full and within the prescribed deadlines. Even in the absence of corresponding legal obligations, the suppliers shall support PMP to the best of their ability in a timely manner at PMP’s request.

PMP expects its suppliers along the supply chain to set up an adequate hazardous substance management system and to work continuously to avoid hazardous substances in products and reduce negative environmental impacts.

In the event of suspected violations of the standards and regulations set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct and to safeguard the supply chain, suppliers agree that PMP may conduct audits to verify compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct on the supplier’s premises and business premises during normal business hours after reasonable notice of no less than 14 working days. PMP is authorized to conduct an audit at the supplier’s premises at least once a year.

At PMP’s request, suppliers are obliged to provide the information and grant access to the documents that PMP requires to implement the rights conferred on it by this Supplier Code of Conduct. The obligation also extends to information about affiliated companies and subcontractors, insofar as the company has the information available or is in a position to obtain the requested information due to existing legal connections.

Any breach by a supplier of the provisions of this Supplier Code of Conduct shall be considered a breach of material contractual obligations and shall give PMP the right, but not the obligation, to take appropriate action (e.g. audit with cost consequences, termination of the business relationship, termination of the contract, etc.).

Suppliers undertake to ensure that their employees comply with the provisions of this Supplier Code of Conduct and take all necessary precautions to implement the requirements.

PMP’s suppliers are also required to oblige their subcontractors to comply with and implement the requirements of this Supplier Code of Conduct.

We hereby confirm receipt of the Supplier Code of Conduct and undertake to comply with the principles and requirements of PMP’s Supplier Code of Conduct. We also confirm that by signing this Supplier Code of Conduct, it becomes part of the existing contractual relationship between us and PMP. Should there be any contradictions between the Supplier Code of Conduct and the existing contractual relationship, the more extensive provision shall apply.

PMP Environmental and Sustainability Policy

The careful use of resources for sustainable value creation and the protection of the environment is one of the central goals of our corporate philosophy.

This guideline forms the basis for responsible and environmentally conscious action and is applied in all our work processes. This guideline defines relevant basic rules and responsibilities for the entire company and its employees.

In order to preserve the basis of life for future generations, we are committed to the economical and efficient use of natural resources in order to protect the environment in the long term. The aim is to minimize air pollutants, wastewater and waste and to conserve energy and water.

With the help of modern communication technologies, we save time and environmental resources by replacing traditional forms of communication with telephone conferences. By reducing the amount of travel, we also protect the environment.

Avoiding waste is one of our top priorities, because:

“only waste that is not produced in the first place is the best waste”

For this reason, we implement the legal waste regulations currently relevant to us as far as technically possible and economically reasonable by sorting all waste at the point of origin and sending it for recycling or disposal. We pay particular attention to recycling and reuse. All reusable raw materials and residual waste are collected and professionally processed by certified service providers.

We are committed to reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency.

With the eSaver and the resulting average annual electricity savings of 12%, an additional 3 state-of-the-art charging stations with a total of 6 charging points for electric vehicles were put into operation in November 2022.

By choosing CO2-free green electricity, we are also making a valuable contribution to reducing energy consumption and protecting the climate.

The management is responsible for the integration of the legal requirements relevant to us and their implementation for environmental protection.

All managers exemplify these environmental protection guidelines and ensure that they are adhered to. They are also the first point of contact for questions regarding the application of the directive and in particular the suggestions for improvement.

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